Monday, June 15, 2009

It's offensive to claim Jesus is the only way to God

I am absolutely against any religion that says that one faith is superior to another. I don't see how that is anything different than spiritual racism. It's a way of saying that we are closer to God than you, and that's what leads to hatred.
Rabbi Schmuley Boteach

Moses could mediate on the law; Muhammad could brandish a sword; Buddha could give personal counsel; Confucius could offer wise sayings; but none of these men qualified to offer an atonement for the sins of the world.... Christ alone is worthy of unlimited devotion and service.
Theologian R. C. Sproul

Incidents had happened in Singapore, that really challenged my opinion on sharing the gospel to other this is especially true for people that I do no know, stranger on the street. Cos if they don't take it properly I would be charged in court for sedition.
Why should Christian push our truth into others mind and force them to accept it? That's one of the many statements that was on the paper from interview. Should we just mind our own business? If God had plan for them then they will somehow get to know him with or without me.
But wait the truth of God is just too great and beautiful for me not to share them to others. It's not only a command from God but as a person on earth who have that feeling called love and compassion, that's something we should do isn't it? When we know He is the answer to all our questions, suffering and eternal life. "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me".
So what should I do about it? How should I preach or share in such a way that they wouldn't be offended?

"One cannot communicate the love of Christ in non-loving terms." Ravi Zacharias.
"I like their Christ, I don't like their Christians." Mahatma Gandhi
"I will believe in the Redeemer when the Christian looks a little more redeemed." Friedrich Nietzshe.
Quotes taken from the book" The Case For Faith"

With those quotes taken in mind, it's not hard to see that non-believers is not against what the bible had said about God, it's our manner and behavior that they are opposing and objecting. We might be doing it all wrong.
How would seekers take Christ seriously when we said things like; "I never know them in church, and we being here together is a coincident." "I've never read the tracts that I had given to them." (Quotes)
Let's start from our manner and behavior before we make our case to other about our Savior. Do our action reflects what we preach?
Jesus said "if we love one another, others will know that we are His disciple."
Are we His disciple or deceiter.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Can a loving God exist, since evil anf suffering exist?

A Bear, A Trap, A Hunter and God

“A bear got trapped in a trap and a hunter who, out of sympathy, wants to liberate him. He tries to win the bear’s confidence, but he can’t do it, so he has to shoot the bear full of drugs. The bear, however, thinks thus is an attack and that the hunter is trying to kill him. He doesn’t realize that this is being done out of compassion.

Then, in order to get the bear out of the trap, the hunter has to push him further into the trap to release the tension on the spring. If the bear were semiconscious at that point, he would be even more convinced that the hunter was his enemy who was out to cause him suffering and pain. But the bear would be wrong. He reaches this incorrect conclusion because he’s not a human being.”

How can a mere finite human be sure that infinite wisdom would not tolerate certain short range (suffering) in order for more long range goods that we couldn’t foresee?

God does the same to us sometimes, and we can’t comprehend why he does it anymore than the bear can understand the motivation of the hunter. As the bear could have trusted the hunter, so we can trust God (in our suffering).

From The Case For Faith by Lee Strobel

Objection #1 Since evil and suffering exist, a loving God cannot Page 43- 44 (from an interview with Peter Kreeft )


We are finite being with finite wisdom and vision. We should look at our suffering in two ways;

1) Is the suffering we are having, a result of our action (Sin)?

2) Is the suffering we are having, a result of something not of our own doing?

There are cause and effect, when we steal or cheat things that are not rightfully ours, this action lead to a jail sentence. But there are also suffering that are not of our action, it just happens to us (like the story of Job). Who are we to judge or say that temporary suffering would not lead to something good in our life?

A piece of ore has to go thru countless grinding, chipping and polishing (ouch) before the diamond that is inside shines.